

Booking.com - specifically its ground transportation business unit - is one of Manchester’s largest tech employers . 我们采访了首席技术官加文·巴顿,以了解更多信息.

在这次采访中, Gavin谈到了公司近期的计划, describes the culture and technology that exist within the organisation, 解释预订的原因.com是十大网博靠谱平台科技界的忠实成员, 并讨论了自动驾驶汽车的影响.


Sure, our primary goal is to deliver the ground transport elements of a trip. 预订.Com已经提供了一个非常强大的住宿建议, but our strategy for the future is about taking care of the whole travel experience from start to finish. 这意味着住宿也是如此, 我们提供租车和出租车等服务.com -从我们在十大网博靠谱平台的家里.

简而言之,订票.com is a global business that’s making it easier for people to experience the world.  


I'm accountable for everything tech-related that happens here in Manchester, which can be anything from data centres through to software engineering.  我监督新技术的发展, 然后是我们使它可操作的过程, 为我们带来利益, 我们的客户, 我们的合作伙伴和供应商.


我们是十大网博靠谱平台最大的雇主之一, with more than 600 people involved in product development and technology at our city centre HQ. 寻找激情, talented people is a key part of what we do - and then it’s about providing them with a great place to work.

We’re committed to offering a route into tech for people at all levels. 我们从 十大网博靠谱平台数字公司的四级软件开发学徒, we take on more than 20 graduates every year, and we’re proud supporters of the # DigitalFutures大使 programme; we recently had a group of year nine girls from a school in Bolton come into the office to talk about future careers in tech. 

We’ve got an important role to play in strengthening Manchester’s growing position as a hub of tech and innovation - coaching and mentoring the next generation of talent goes hand in hand with that.


我认为这有助于激励我们. 它给我们一种使命感, and it helps to broaden out people's capabilities in terms of coaching, 发展中, 学习等等.

It's about people feeling connected and increasing engagement - making a difference for each other as well as 发展中 their tech skills and working on the latest innovations.


Every role comes with its challenges - some of which are common throughout the business community - such as building teams, 留住人才,最大限度地利用可用预算.  Questions we often ask ourselves include how to keep things interesting, 如何在对的时间找到对的人, 如何发展我们的文化,如何发展组织.  解决这些挑战将使我们的企业变得更好, which is good news for us and the businesses and people we work with.  

我们所做的技术本身也带来了挑战. 在很多方面, we aggregate supply and integrate a lot of services that our suppliers offer, 这意味着在我们的网站上展示他们的产品.  我们与不同的供应商进行了数千次集成, offering multi-mode transport products in a way that is local for the consumer in more than 160 countries, 40多种语言, 超过60个,000个目的地.

Putting the customer at the heart of all decision making is key to overcoming these complexities, 让我们的产品和服务尽可能的人性化. 

你必须处理大量的数据. 你在这个领域找到了什么成功的技巧?

We build a lot of our own data infrastructures and use what we find to drive the decisions we make. 例如, 我们做了大量的a /B测试, 我们使用这些信息来提高我们的产品供应, 基于顾客对什么反应最好.

我得说数据驱动着这个行业. 我们使用Hadoop这样的平台来收集数据, 整理和分析数据, so that we can understand how we’re trading as a business in real time.  This helps us make important trading decisions such as whether and when to launch new products and services.

你会如何描述这里的文化 Booking.com?

Everybody's incredibly proud of working here, and people enjoy what they do.  我们致力于提供一个保险箱, 在温馨的环境中,人们可以充分发挥自己的潜力.

我们围绕产品团队设计了整个组织, 使跨职能, 协作工作小组不一定是等级森严的, 那就是以客户为中心.

We empower our teams to solve problems in a creative way, using tech where they can.  This is an area where we - and many other businesses - continue to invest.

你创造的文化在实践中是如何发挥作用的? 这对消费者端有什么影响?

We actively encourage our teams to go out and try our products and services.  Putting themselves in 我们的客户’ shoes means they can relate first-hand to what we’re trying to achieve.

这里的文化以为客户创造价值为中心. A/B测试为我们的决策增加了另一层洞察力, helping us understand the things that hold most appeal for the customer, as well as how we can improve functionality and make the overall experience better. 

What does changing technology mean for the future of customer experience in the industry?

一个聪明的, 更智能的体验-跨越移动, 台式机和平板电脑, 而且越来越多地出现在智能设备上, 太. Instead of customers having to visit a website and searching for a car, we can match them with a vehicle that’s ideally suited to their trip. 如果你去美国的某些地方, 我们可以提供一辆敞篷车来增强体验, 例如. 

这是十大网博靠谱平台尽可能与客户相关, making it easier for them to book a car and making that car part of a strong, 全面的行程.

What effect will autonomous vehicles have on the business, and are you planning for this?

It’s on our radar and we’re laying the foundations for future technologies by breaking things up into modular services and capabilities.

The taxi space could be a logical starting point for our autonomous vehicle product.  从客户的角度来看, a taxi is a rented car that will take will take you to your destination as instructed  - whether or not it has a driver.

We have to keep on innovating in this space so that when the time comes, an autonomous product is the latest in our wider line-up - rather than being a total shift in what we do.


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